Services & Fees


Initial Assessment

 After we have made initial contact via telephone or e-mail, we can agree on a time and day to meet for one hour. During this first session, we can explore your situation further and discuss any concerns you may have. This will help us understand whether therapy is the right choice for you and if you feel comfortable working with me. We can also discuss my confidentiality agreement, cancellation policy, and fees.


Individual sessions

I offer short-term and long-term contracts, depending on your needs. This can be either in person in Bristol or on online platforms such as Zoom, Skype, and Facetime. The sessions are for 50 minutes and typically are at the same time and day each week. I can accommodate changing schedules provided my schedule allows the change.


Group facilitation and group psychotherapy

I also offer group facilitation. This can be for workplace issues, personal and professional development, bereavement, or team leadership. The length of the contract and fees will depend on individual groups and needs.


arrival, lateness, and cancelation policies

Please arrive to your session on time as I currently do not provide a waiting room. If you arrive late, please expect to finish on time. If I am ever late, I will make the time up to you or reimburse you correspondingly. I will not charge for a missed session provided I have three working days’ notice. Both parties can agree to plan holidays in advance and give as much notice as possible.

Please note that I may cancel your session if you arrive in a state of intoxication or have used recreational drugs that may interfere with your ability to engage in the session.



My fees are based on a sliding scale of £65-£95 and I recommend that you pay what is possible for you. Initial assessments are charged at £35. Concessions are possible, depending on your circumstances. This can be discussed during the initial assessment. Please note that fees are reviewed annually.